The Dixie Classic Farmers Market, located at the Fairgrounds, is open on Saturdays year-round, 6 am to 1 pm. Winston-Salem and Forsyth County has several other Farmers Markets open through November. Please check with your local Farmers Market for specific hours of operation.
Here are three reasons to buy local:
1. Better for the environment - Although grocery stores carry a wide variety of foods – many produce items found in grocery stores comes from other states or countries. The cost of transporting food across county (or the ocean) is expensive and burns fossil fuels (gasoline). Locally grown foods have a shorter commute to market!
2. Freshness, quality and taste - If you have not tried locally grown foods, you are missing out on foods that taste great, last longer, and are high quality. Local produce lasts longer (because it does not spend time being transported). Many local farmers follow sustainable growing methods that avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
3. Buying local helps our local farmers and supports a stronger local economy - Buying locally not only helps support farmers and their families but also supports other businesses in our community where farmers shop and buy products. This creates jobs and supports local merchants and small businesses.
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