Choose activities that you enjoy and can do regularly. Fitting activities into a daily routine can be easy- such as taking a brisk 10 minute walk to and from the parking lot, bus stop, or taking the stairs. Or get off the bus one stop early and walk or skate the rest of the way, but only with your parent or guardian. Make sure to do at least 10 minutes of activity at a time if you aren't able to get 30 minutes if you're an adult or 60 minutes if you're a child. If you take shorter bursts than 10 minutes of activity it will not have the same health benefits. Be sure to do at least 10 minutes at a time throughout the day.
For more information about Physical Activity go to:
For more ways to increase Physical Activity go to:
For county parks and city parks & greenways go to:
For more tips and resources visit:
For information about the Behealthy School Kids Program call 336-703-3217, email millerya@forsyth.ccor visit: Behealthy School Kids.
Source: ChooseMyPlate