What you drink is as important as what you eat. Many beverages contain added sugars and offer little or no nutrients, while others may provide nutrients but too much fat and too many calories. Drink water instead of sugary drinks when you’re thirsty. When water just won’t do, enjoy the beverage of your choice, but just cut back. Select smaller cans, cups, or glasses instead of large or supersized options. Also, use the nutrition facts label to choose beverages. The label contains total sugar, fats, and calories to help you make better choices.
For more tips to make better beverage choices: Make Better Beverage Choices
For more tips and resources visit: Nutrition Education Series
For information about the Behealthy School Kids Program call 336-703-3217, email millerya@forsyth.cc, or visit: http://www.forsyth.cc/PublicHealth/behealthy_school_kids.aspx
Source: ChooseMyPlate