National Public Health Week is recognized during the first full week of April each year by the American Public Health Association (APHA) to recognize contributions of public health and highlight important health issues that are important in improving our nation. This year APHA is highlighting important topics each day that will raise awareness about public health and prevention.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 National Public Health Week will recognize Emergency Preparedness Day with a theme titled: Don't panic. Disaster preparedness starts with community-wide commitment and action. We're here to help you weather the unexpected. Come to the Public Health Department lobby at 799 N. Highland Ave. and visit our Emergency Preparedness table from 11am-1pm!
There are several things you can do to prepare for man-made and natural disasters. Gather your household for a night of emergency preparedness: make plans for putting together an emergency stockpile kit, create a crisis communication plan, designate an emergency meeting place and hold household emergency drills.
Please visit some of the links provided to get more information about severe weather and items you need in an emergency kit: