A delegation of 18 North Carolina 4-H youth and 3 adults representing 15 counties including Forsyth County, attended the one-hundredth annual National 4-H Congress, which was held in Atlanta, Georgia. The North Carolina delegation returned home from five days in which more than 800 youth and adults representing 4-H programs across the country gathered to participate in educational, service, and recreational opportunities.
Laurelyn Ridge and Luke Arrowood represented Forsyth County at the November 26-30, 2021 conference. This year’s theme “A Century of Empowering Youth” and included workshops designed to develop 4-H’ers leadership skills, plenary sessions with outstanding speakers and entertainers, and a Service-Learning experience during which delegates participated in hands-on service projects as well as tours and recreational opportunities throughout the city. They were awarded this trip through last year’s AIRE (Application, Interview, Resume, Electronic Video) competition. National Congress consists of workshops, service projects, tours, dances, gala, and more and is a tremendous opportunity for our young people to hear world-renowned presenters, develop leadership skills, and make new friends from around the country! Our own Laurelyn Ridge was selected to sing both the National Anthem and again during the Gala event. Congratulations! Watch highlight videos from the event, and Laurelyn's performance on the North Carolina 4-H Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/NorthCarolina4H.
National 4-H Congress, a 4-H tradition for 100 years, was originally designed to recognize state and national winners. As the 4-H program has changed to meet the needs of youth today so has National 4-H Congress. This year’s event, like the ones that preceded it, will not only recognize excellence but also provide an outstanding, educational opportunity for 4-H youth.
For more information, email, April Bowman, Extension Agent, Livestock, Forages, and 4-H Youth Development at awbowman@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2855 or Dr. Monique Pearce-Brady, Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development at dmpearc3@ncsu.edu or call 336-703-2856.